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  • Jordan Wood

Book-Themed Valentine's Day Dates

Book-themed dates

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching this week, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to come up with some unique, book-themed date ideas. While the dates are the usual dinner and a movie kind of dates, you can put your own, personal spin on them by following some kind of literary theme. Need some inspiration? Read on:

1. Book themed dinner

Depending on how skilled you are in the kitchen, this can be anything from a simple clam and cod chowder a la “Moby Dick” to a full-on dinner party based on the “Great Gatsby”. (Check out this link for a Great Gatsby dinner party menu). Or, if you don’t want to even bother with all of that, just go with bread, cheese and some kind of deli meats to recreate the classic, “Heidi”.

Or, what about tea time based on Alice in Wonderland? Are you looking for something a little heartier, look no further than “Eat, Pray, Love”. Let’s face it, that book is chock full of culinary delights. Pasta anyone? Gelato? Pizza Napoletana? Don’t mind if I do! In fact, you don’t even have to cook the meal if you base the dinner on this book. Just go out to an Italian Eatery and eat, eat, eat!

Another twist on the usual dinner date is to visit a different restaurant for each course, trying dishes that you’ve only ever read about but never tasted.

2. Attend a Literary Event

There are always book readings of some sort happening at local bookstores across the country, so check with your bookstore to see what they have coming up. Or, head on over to the library. They always have something on the go. If you’re a little strapped for cash this Valentine’s Day, this kind of date would allow you to get out of the house but not spend too much money.

For me, I’ve always thought listening to a poetry reading would be kind of interesting. I’ve never been to one before but, for some reason, William Shatner reading his poetry aloud always pops into my mind when I hear ‘poetry reading’. I can only hope that a poetry reading is similar to this.

3. Go to a Movie

I’m not talking about going to any kind of movie, I mean watch a movie that is based on your favourite book. If your partner has the same favourite book, then that’s a bonus. If not, then flip a coin to see who gets to choose the book-based movie.

Afterwards, you can discuss how the movie either fell short or did justice to the book. This kind of discussion can lead you down a rabbit hole of twists and turns.

4. Coffee or Wine Date

Nothing spells intellectual more than sipping wine (or coffee) while you discuss your literary heroes. You can bond over you favourite authors (or discover that you just aren’t meant to be).

In fact, this could neatly tie into the movie date where you go for drinks after the movie to discuss it.

5. Steal from Your Favourite Books

Why not just recreate your favourite romantic scene from a book for your date? Or, really any scene that resonates you within a book for that matter. Go jump into a fountain, if that’s your thing, or have a picnic under the stars. Whatever you want, draw inspiration from your favourite book.

6. Play a Game

Take a look for a few book-related games such as Trivial Pursuit the book edition or make up your own with book charades. If a night in playing games is your thing, this idea is sure to be a winner.

I hope this brief list of book dates has whet your appetite for a fun, book-themed Valentine’s Day this year. Do you have any other book date ideas?

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